Teknoice > EVENTI > Djazagro 2022 – Algeria

Djazagro 2022 – Algeria

  • Postato da: Ana Cuellar
  • Categoria: EVENTI

Teknoice gladly confirms its presence at Djazagro 2022, after two years of forced stop due to the world pandemic situation.
Djazagro tradeshow is the event where all the food industry of the north african continent meet. It will be held in Algiers from 30th May to 2nd June.

As always, Teknoice’s stand will be in the central pavilion, together with Laief, Packint and Cold Car.

This event shows company’s will to return on the fair grounds to meet friends and customers. It is essential to have the chance of finding again the confidence and to reinforce relationships with a live tradeshow like Djazagro. Teknoice always believed in being close to the people: there is no better period than this one to demonstrate this.

Djazagro is one of the most important trade show for agri-food production of the african continent. Founded in 2003, it takes place annually in Algiers, bringing together all the north african and international players of the food industry.

The show takes its name from “DJAZAIR”, which means “Algeria” in Algerian Arabic, and from « agro » representing the agro-food sector.

It offers a complete view on the industry, which is represented by 6 sectors of activities: Processing, filling & packaging, Bakery – Pastry, Food products & Beverages, Ingredients & Flavourings, Hospitality & Food service and Hygiene.


We are happy to be there and start again to meet our friends: we look forward to seeing you from 30 May to 2 June 2022 at the Safex Exhibition Park in Algeria.